Top Doctor Reviews of the Week, Dec 7 - Dec 13, 2018

13 December 2018


Patients in Dubai have visited their doctors this week and shared with us their experiences. Here are some of the best reviews we have picked to share with the rest of our community: 

"Dr. Linda is the most polite and knowledgeable of dentists I have ever seen in Dubai. A true human being by all means. She works magic and I have the utmost respect for the way she handles her patients. In the past, I had bad experience to visit dentists but I really enjoyed every minute of being her in heeling hands. She guides her patients through every procedure and her great smile never departs her face. I will be leaving Dubai in few days to Sydney but I will never forget her magic. I strongly recommend her to everyone who has panic to visit a dentist. God Bless her".


"A true story of a legendary Dr . I was 6 weeks pregnant when i visit Dr Charles for the first time. Explaining to him about my 2 horrifying miscarriages at 4 and 5 months, Dr Charles was very optimistic although mine was a high risk pregnancy told me that he will keep a close check this time around. I found him very pleasent and accommodating that made me feel very comfortable. during my 8 of months pregnancy there were so many complication. I had heamotoma, during 12th week i was bleeding, even at that very moment so devastated, Dr Charles gave me assurance that evrything was ok and my baby's heart rate was good. On my 18th week i had a cervical stich done, went home with no pain at all. As time passed i had grown from strength to strength all because of the courage and confidence my doc gave me. Nearly each time he would use the word perseverance when i visited him.i recall, venting how difficult this pregnancy is , he looked up at me and said thank god for how far you come. On my 7th month i was told that my amnotic fluid was increasing, after having done a ultrasound. I had a cessarian done at 37 weeks. I was told that my uterus was stuck to my bladder by tissues that had grown from my previous c section. He did not indulge in any extra surgery, he delivered my princess, I owe it all to Dr Charles. I am truly blessed to have chosen you. I took my princess 3 week after my delivery to visit him, i could sence the joy and pride in him. Thank you dear Doc, i am so grateful.."

"Over and beyond! He took the time to explain my condition in detail and was very gentle and sensitive to my situation and even when the results came out he didn’t hesistate to give a break down explain of what meant what which showed compassion and deligency for his patients and work Bless him for the great job he’s doing and you can be sure when I went back to the office I was all smiles and telling my colleagues the next time they visit the business central tower branch they best ask for Dr.Jamie because their was a touch of care even when I was at my weariest and saddest moment so thank you Dr and bless you. A."

"I cannot say enough about Dr.Fatema and her staff. Extremely detailed oriented in his explanations. Support staff very thorough and methodical. Dr. Fatema answered all of my questions, took her time and did not rush me in the appointment."

"I have been a patient of Dr. Naresh’s since 2001 and I have tried psychiatrists all over Dubai so I can confidently say he is of the highest caliber there is in Dubai. He has made life with my disorder so much easier with his vast expertise and devotion. Do not hesitate choosing this doctor." Rami Shanaah.



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