Union Coop pulls Sadia frozen chicken off Dubai shelves

14 May 2017


Dubai: Union Coop has removed Sadia frozen chicken from all its branches in Dubai after receiving information that they were contaminated, and not suitable for human consumption.

Suhail Al Bastaki, Director of the Happiness and Marketing Department at Union Coop, announced on the company's social media account Twitter, that the move was a precautionary measure to ensure consumers’ safety and health. 

The company's statement did not clarify which batches of the frozen chicken were affected or in which branch they detected the spoilage. Al Bastaki further informed customers to approach the respective branch with a receipt and request a refund for the purchased chickens. Customers were urged to contact its toll free number 8008889. Refunds will be limited to customers who bought the chicken in the past three or four days.

Update, on May 15, 2017: Dubai Municipality has clarified that there was nothing wrong with the Sadia frozen chicken, and in a statement by Sultan Ali Al Taher, Head of Food inspection Section at Dubai Municipality, he stated: "There is no problem with Sadia chicken". 

In a seperate statement from Sadia: 

"Sadia remains committed to the quality of its products delivered through a correctly-maintained cold chain integrity as well as working with the relevant food safety authorities to protect and reassure consumers in line with the UAE’s strict food control standards."

The company thanked its customers and said it was happy to answer any queries via its call centre 800 72342 and online customercare@brf-me.com




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