24 December 2020
The UAE government has finally given the go-ahead to start administering the Chinese state-owned company's vaccine, Sinopharm. Back on December 9, in typical UAE trailblazing fashion, it became the first country to grant approval to administer Sinopharm vaccines, with a claimed 86% efficacy in the final stages of testing. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid, Dubai’s ruler and other notable UAE ministers have openly received the jab as a vote of confidence for the Sinopharm vaccine.
With rapid medical developments underway, big pharma companies are quickly developing consistent and effective vaccines against COVID. US-German company Pfizer-BioNTech SE, have raced to the front of the pack and have stated that their vaccine is 95% effective. Subsequently, their vaccine has also received the UAE’s approval and the health authorities will start administering the vaccine to the general public. Currently, both Sinopharm and Pfizer/BioNTech SE vaccines are being provided to the general public free of charge.
While many skeptics are questioning the efficacy and safety of both vaccines, the differences in either vaccine can be justified based on the attributes of their technical specifications and testing results.
Regarding the Pfizer vaccine, the Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has declared that the regulatory requirements for the issuance of the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) have been fulfilled by the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. The evidence shows clearly that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine could be successful to prevent an infection and make it less severe. The data is based on 36,523 participants where 18,198 received the vaccine and 18,325 received placebo. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was 95% effective in preventing COVID-19 among these clinical trial participants.
For the Sinopharm vaccine, the UAE has been conducting a phase III clinical trial of Covid-19 under strict compliance of guidelines specified by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). The trial is based on 31,000 vaccinated volunteers from more than 120 nationalities. According to the UAE Ministry of Health (MOHAP), the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine was 86% effective in preventing COVID-19.
The biggest key difference between the Pfizer and Sinopharm vaccine is in how they are manufactured.
Sinopharm and most conventional vaccines introduce into our bodies, an inactive or weakened element of the virus, or part of the virus, called antigen, and as a reaction, our immune system produces antibodies to fight it off. Pfizer's vaccine is based on a fairly new technology called Messenger Ribonucleic Acid (mRNA) and is based on molecules that already exist in our body. Pfizer's vaccine is the first mRNA vaccine to be approved for use in humans.
Conventional vaccines begin by growing large amounts of the virus usually in chicken eggs (in live cells) and then inactivating them. By contrast, mRNA vaccines start by isolating RNA from a natural DNA template and synthesizing the molecules to make the spike protein from the coronavirus.
Naturally, our bodies produce a balance of proteins based on our natural DNA. The mRNA vaccine uses the genetic code of the coronavirus to make the spike protein and once introduced into our bodies, our immune system recognizes the spike protein and reacts similarly as it does towards a conventional vaccine, by producing the neccessary antibodies.
From a patient's or consumer's standpoint, both vaccines will ultimately trigger our immune responses in a similar process, however from a manufacturer's standpoint, it is easier, faster and safer to manaufacture the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.
As with any vaccine, there are some side effects to be wary of and everyone may have their own unique reaction to the vaccine. Some more manageable than others. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), if you have ever had a serious allergic reaction such as anaphylaxis in the past to any vaccine or other injectable therapies you should first consult with your doctor before taking the Pfizer vaccine.
Some of the more common side effects for both the Sinopharm and Pfizer vaccine are: pain around the injected area, fatigue, fever, headaches and muscle pains. Most of which can be easily addressed with over the counter medications.
Here in the UAE, residents are asking themselves: “are these vaccines safe?" and “should I take it now?”. The short answer is yes. Regarding the term “safe” in this context can be placed on a broad spectrum as there is no such thing as a 100 percent safe medical treatment.
Historically speaking, the side effects from vaccines have been few and far in between the sheer volume of successful inoculations for various diseases such as smallpox, polio, hepatitis, measels and many other diseases. The stringent testing and approval processes for all vaccines over the past years has resulted in millions of saved lives and an improved quality of life for all.
According to Dr Anil Grover, specialist internal medicine asserts that : “Diabetes has been established as a risk factor for severe disease and adverse outcome, and all diabetics must get vaccinated on a priority basis.” He goes on to say that according to Dubai Health Authority (DHA), pregnant women, people under the age of 18, immunocompromised and having a history of severe allergic reactions to other vaccines, medications, food or carry adrenaline autoinjectors are not being provided with the COVID-19 vaccine.
Both vaccines require taking two shots, a primer shot then a booster shot with a time interval inbetween of 21 to 28 days. Fortunately for people living in the UAE, both vaccines are being provided for free and access is open to all residents. By contrast, COVID vaccine access is currently limited and costlier in many other countries.
The benefits from either conventional Sinopharm and Pfizer's mRNA vaccine for both individuals and societies are still in the early stages of study however the future seems brighter for the broader uses of mRNA vaccines as they are safer, faster and cheaper to produce, and can be modified readily to address newer pandemics since the mRNA sequence can be modified to correspond to newer disease mutations. If the long-term studies of mRNA vaccines prove to be overwhelmingly positive then future vaccine developments will be created faster and better than ever before.
DoctorUna is a free service that allows patients to book Doctor appointments online.DoctorUna launched in the United Arab Emirates in 2012, Egypt and Jordan in 2013 and recently in Kuwait in 2014. The purpose of DoctorUna is to allow patients to quickly search for doctors from across a broad range of specialties, compare them and easily book a convenient appointment.DoctorUna gives doctors access to a larger pool of patients, streamlines and better manages their appointment booking process so they can spend more time caring for patients.
My husband is a diabetic and having high blood pressure it is advisable to the take sinopharm or pfizer vaccine. Please advise
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