Compare Dental Services in Dubai with ExpressQuote

16 September 2019



ExpressQuote is Dubai’s first online dental quote service


ExpressQuote is developed by independent medical review website DrFive, where patients can instantly receive and compare dental treatment quotes from over 100 dentists in Dubai.


ExpressQuote main


Patients can receive quotes according to their selection priority


Patients can choose priorities such as best price, good patient rating, nearby location, and specialty. In addition to the quotes, ExpressQuote sends patients comprehensive information on the dentists who will perform the treatment, including their photo, specialty, practice location, and even patient reviews, to help you make an informed choice. From the shortlisted quotes, patients can select a provider to proceed with an appointment and receive treatment at the quoted price.

ExpressQuote Banner


Currently, patients have to make numerous phone calls to multiple clinics before finding a dental service provider that meets their budget and other specific requirements. Developed by DrFive, UAE’s largest patient review portal with close to 10,000 patient reviews, ExpressQuote helps patients compare various aspects of dental service providers and make informed decisions for their teeth.


If you are looking for dental services with good value for money 


Considering most UAE residents are under limited or no dental insurance coverage, and significant number of dental treatments are still paid in cash, the ExpressQuote service is expected to fill the gap between patients looking for dental services with good value for money and dental clinics looking for new patients.


“Gone are the days when you get surprised at the last minute to get a bill significantly exceeding your expectations at the dental clinic,'' says Chiho Rim, Chief Strategist of DrFive. “With ExpressQuote, you can compare various prices and strengths of dental service providers in Dubai and confirm the price you will be charged in advance, saving your time in searching and bargaining, and money to pay.”


 ExpressQuote Demo


An Efficient Communication Tool for Dental Clinics


As for dental service providers, a big marketplace such as ExpressQuote will be an efficient tool to communicate their competitive edge to a broader audience in Dubai. “ExpressQuote is expected to help independent clinics like ours compete with other bigger network clinics on fair ground. The automated system prioritise quotes only by quantifiable parameters such as price and ratings, so there is no bias against smaller entities,” says Dr Linish Vidyasagar, specialist prosthodontist practicing in Bur Dubai. 



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