07 February 2021
Scaling, flaking, reddened, rough, and dull. Your skin is literally thirsting for water. You know you need to moisturize, and in desperation, you try every product that comes along—but even the most costly creams can cause reactions in your sensitive skin. You may have figured out that excess sun is not a friend to supersensitive dry skin. Keeping your skin calm, hydrated, and nonreactive at any age takes some work, along with careful product selection.
Dry Skin is caused when there is an imbalance between moisturization and sebum secretion on the skin. The causes for this imbalance are varied and unclear. You can tell your skin is dry when it is crumbly, scaly, cracked, itchy, or stinging. People usually think it is caused by insufficient moisture, but dry skin may also be a result of insufficient sebum secretion. In this case, you can also experience sagging, wrinkles, and pigment disorder on the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to use cosmetics with antioxidant effects for wrinkle reduction and ingredients to balance between moisture and sebum on the skin.
Skin tissue is thin with sensitive skin, so it reacts sensitively to external stimuli. Therefore, it is important to protect the skin from irritation factors if the sensitivity is caused either by external factors such as cosmetics or UV rays, or by diseases like seborrheic dermatitis or atopic dermatitis. You may want to seek help from your dermatologist and identify the details of the substances that cause irritation to your skin, usually through a patch test, which monitors your skin’s reaction to different substances suspected to cause issues. For sensitive skin, it is recommended to use products that contain 10 or less ingredients.
Here I've tried to select the products that would work well for your skin type. You can use my promo code HEBA15 to receive 15% off on your order.
For Dry Skins in general
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