02 November 2021
When all other methods fail, couples with infertility issues turn to in vitro fertilization (IVF). It is a process that involves egg stimulation, retrieval, fertilization in vitro, and transfer to a uterus as a full cycle, which usually takes 3 weeks.
If you have to inject sperm directly into the egg, instead of letting a sperm do it itself, it is called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). This is usually more expensive than IVF.
If the sperm is healthy and active enough, you might not need to fertilise the egg externally in vitro. In this case, sperm is injected into the cervix (intracervical insemination; ICI), or into the uterus (intrauterine insemination; IUI). These usually cost less than IVF.
A few points can be mentioned for choosing Dubai for your IVF destination.
First, there is very high demand for IVF in Dubai/UAE and, as a result, a number of very advanced IVF providers are found here. It is known that around 85 per cent of the female population in the UAE have PCOS, the top most reason for infertility. This is about 3 times higher than the global average of 25-30 per cent.
Second, you can select the gender of the baby in the UAE through either Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) or Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) of the embryos, after the egg has been fertilised. This is not allowed in countries such as Australia, Canada, China, India and the UK.
Third, Dubai is strategically located in between Europe, Africa and Asia providing convenient access to patients from all of these regions as well as those from the Middle East. Dubai as an attractive destination for tourism providing all the modern convenience you can imagine including top-tier hotels and restaurants is an added advantage.
One thing to remember when it comes to the cost of IVF is that, in most cases, it may not complete in a single cycle. It is commonly known that women under 35 would have about a 33% chance of successful IVF. The percentage drops to 10 for women above 40 and 2 percent if you are above 44.
The cost may not stop with money. If you consider the emotional and physical roller coaster that entails each cycle, the cost could be much bigger than what you’ve thought.
Our team analysis in 2021 Oct found that IVF Treatment cost in Dubai is found to be between AED14,000 to 45,000. You may expect to pay 30% higher for ICSI. IUI/ICI cost will be about AED4,000 to AED10,000
The price differs according to the centre’s location, the experience of the senior IVF specialist, and the success rate.
It is recommended that patients check the doctor’s credentials, training, qualifications, experience and countries the doctor is coming from. History and track record of the medical centre is also important.
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