27 June 2021
and using them might trigger your existing skin issues to worsen. When dealing with dry and sensitive skin, finding a moisturizer that is both effective and safe may be challenging. Certain moisturizers claim to hydrate and protect skin, but owing to poor ingredients and formulations, often deliver little to no effect. All of these considerations were discussed with specialist dermatologist Dr. Yoonseok Oh in order to identify the right moisturizer.
Dr. Oh has worked in Korea for over 7 years and in the UAE for over 4 years and he has seen that, in many situations, people with dry and sensitive skin can simply address their difficulties by applying the right moisturizing cream or lotion. According to Dr Oh: "Ceramide is the most important lipid in the stratum corneum (skin barrier) structure." Therefore, to maintain the skin barrier and properly treat dry and sensitive skin, a moisturizer cream or lotion must have ceramide as a substantial component of its ingredients.
In addtion to the use of ceramide-deficient products, when patients have severe dermatological conditions, doctors may prescribe to them topical steroids to alleviate symptoms. However, this solution has short-term benefits since using such treatments for an extended period of time can result in developing dangerous side effects such as skin thinning, telangiectasis (spider veins caused by broken blood vessels), and skin infections.
Dr. Yoonseok Oh has used and recommended several kinds of creams and lotions for atopic dermatitis and other skin problems in his clinic, including popular brands such as Cetaphil and Physiogel. In response, some patients have complained back to him that the moisture effect of such products is short-lived and that certain moisturizers caused a tingling feeling after application.
Based on documented journal studies and patented uses of multi-lamellar (MLE) structure in countries such as Korea, Japan, the USA, and Europe, Zeroid is now one of the safest skin creams for dry and sensitive skin that effectively addresses eczema. Now that Zeroid is available in the UAE, Dr. Oh considers it the best eczema cream available in the UAE market. Since Zeroid is also free from steroids, parabens, colorants, and other harmful ingredients, it is considered an ideal product for children in Dubai. Korean mums have openly testified that Zeroid has helped their children suffering from eczema.
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