New Features on DrFive Exclusively for Doctors

11 November 2018


Patients are browsing their doctor's name in Dubai


and will eventually find them on DrFive. As a platform, DrFive keeps a list of every licensed doctor in Dubai along with detailed information about their practice, medical expertise and patient recommendations. This helps patients make more informed decisions on where to go for good healthcare. However, in an effort to further enhance the doctor's profile and give doctors more control over their digital presence,


DrFive has enabled doctors to "Claim Profile"


By clicking this button, Doctors can simply register their credentials and take full control of their online presence. 


It's absolutely FREE!


DrFive will verify doctors by requesting a valid medical license or Dubai Health Authority badge or any other personal identification record for proof of identification. 


After verification from DrFive, doctors will have full control of their profile. 




So, why is this so important?


Besides having the doctor's name and practicing location shown to DrFive's visitors, claiming a profile will unlock a host of features available to the doctor to further enhance their online presence and capabilities.


Features such as: "Send Enquiry", and "Book Appointment", buttons will be unlocked


on the doctor's page to enable incoming and outgoing communications to and from patients.



Doctors can either "Reply" to patient reviews or "Report" a review if they believe it is inappropriate.


Reply to review or report


Reported review will be quarantined to warn patients accordingly and seek further verification from the reviewer.

Reported review



Doctors will also have their own dashboard to connect with and


Communicate securely to other doctors on the DrFive platform


by means of peer-to-peer messaging or public broadcasts to the rest of the DrFive community. 


dashbaord view 



Doctors can share cases, ask questions, post jobs and interact with other posts from other doctors either openly or anonymously: 



In addition doctors can connect to other doctors they know or specialists they would like to conect with: 



Once connected, doctors can discuss in private any medical cases, patient referals and other related medical topics:


Therefore, no matter where a doctor decides to practice or work, their


Profile, information, contacts, patient reviews will be safe-guarded


to maintain continuity of work and connection to the medical industry.  


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