Beauty Salons vs. Clinics: Which is Better and Safer for Cosmetic Treatments in Dubai?

24 September 2021


People living in Dubai, who are looking for aesthetic procedures, often find it confusing as to where they can have these procedures done well and safely. In some cases, patients find that in some beauty salons or spas, certain cosmetic procedures are provided, while in other similar facilities, they are not. Both beauty salons and clinics can be licensed to perform specific non-surgical cosmetic procedures and we will break down the information here to hopefully clarify the confusion. 



For the purposes of this article, we will only be mentioning healthcare professionals who have completed all the specific training, Basic Life Support (BLS) certification, Continuous Medical Education (CME) hours, hands-on practical training, and completion of aesthetic cases under a specialist's supervision, and any other requirements stipulated by either Dubai Health Authority (DHA) Health Regulation Department for the Standards for Non Surgical Cosmetic Services, or Dubai Healthcare City Authority (DHCA) for Standards for Non Surgical Cosmetic Procedures.  


Which non-surgical cosmetic procedures are available in Dubai beauty salons and spas? 

Unlike most clinics, beauty salons and spas employ beauty therapists to provide salon-specific cosmetic procedures. 

Beauty therapists are permitted to perform only the following cosmetic procedures mentioned below: 

  • Blackhead and Comedone extraction
  • Chemical Peels (Very Superficial and Superficial)
  • Electrolysis hair removal
  • Hydrafacial 
  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)
  • Mesotherapy (topical/needleless devices or Derma rollers with length
  • Micro-dermabrasion
  • Semi-permanent Makeup 

It is important to note that the above procedures can also be provided by dermatologists, plastic surgeons and registered nurses working in outpatient healthcare facilities.




Why, or how do some beauty salons and spas get away with offering body shaping and cellulite reduction e.g. LPG, CoolSculpting or Aqua while other salons and spas can’t?

Whenever you see a “Beauty Salon'' in Dubai, chances are, it is not always registered as a beauty salon with either Dubai Health Authority (DHA) or Dubai Healthcare City Authority (DHCA). Facilities such as: Belle Femme Beauty Salon, Girl Talk Beauty Centre, and Tips And Toes Beauty And Spa Centre, are just a few examples of such facilities that are actually registered with DHA/DHCA as “Rehabilitation Centers”.  

Thus, following DHA/DHCA guidelines, salons that are registered as a rehabilitation center can provide: LPG, CoolSculpting and other body shaping and cellulite reduction procedures. Only physiotherapists and massage therapists working in rehabilitation centers can provide the above mentioned services. 


In summary, who can provide non-surgical cosmetic procedures in Dubai?

In Dubai, the following facilities that are licensed and regulated by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and Dubai Healthcare City Authority (DHCA), can provide non-surgical cosmetic services: 

  1. Outpatient Care Facilities:
    • Polyclinics
    • Specialty clinics
    • Primary Health Centres (PHC)
    • General clinics
    • Dental clinics
    • Rehabilitation or physiotherapy centres
    • Therapeutic massage centers. 
  2. Beauty salons

Depending on the type of outpatient care facility, you will find corresponding healthcare professionals that provide non-surgical cosmetic procedures such as: plastic surgeons, dermatologists, general physicians (GP) or other physicians, registered nurses (RN), physiotherapists, massage therapists and beauty therapists. 



Which non-surgical cosmetic procedures can ONLY be performed in Dubai clinics and centres? 

It goes without saying that clinics that have registered either a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, can perform all non-surgical cosmetic procedures in their facility without the need of any additional requirements. 

Dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and physicians are the only healthcare professionals permitted to perform the below non-surgical cosmetic procedures in clinics: 

  • Chemical Peels (Medium, Deep, Very Deep) 
  • Cryotherapy (regional and general) 
  • Ear and body piercing
  • Fillers and Botulinum toxin injections (Botox)
  • Mesotherapy (injectable or Derma Rollers with length >0.5mm)
  • Micro-needling
  • Photo-dynamic therapy (PDT)
  • Photo-pneumatic therapy (PPx)
  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
  • Skin tightening by light-based devices such as infrared, radiofrequency, electrodes ultrasound applicators

From the above list of procedures, Registered Nurses (RN), are excluded from providing: Cryotherapy, Ear and body piercing, Fillers and Botulinum toxin injections (Botox), Microneedling and PRP. It is important to also note that dermatologists, plastic surgeons, physicians and RNs can also provide the services available in beauty salons. 


So, where should I go, beauty salon or clinic for non-surgical cosmetic procedures?

As a woman, you are more likely to visit a beauty salon to get pampered, groomed and beautified. Part of that process sometimes includes having some facial treatments done such as hydrafacials and superficial peels, but when it comes to more serious cosmetic procedures, the best alternative is visiting a clinic specialized in non-surgical cosmetic procedures, such as plastic surgery and dermatology clinics.  

All things considered, visiting a clinic for cosmetic procedures will come at a higher cost since most procedures are performed by a dermatologist, plastic surgeon or physician. Moreover, clinics can provide the full range of non-surgical procedures, which isn't the case in beauty salons. Health authorities have provided licenses for salons to provide certain cosmetic procedures, as long as they follow safety and quality protocols. Ultimately, the best standards of service for cosmetic procedures will be found in clinics having more experienced and capable healthcare professionals.   



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