Top 7 Gastroenterologists in Dubai by Search Volume

17 February 2018


Sometimes we hear noises taking place inside our stomachs. These sounds are actually an indication that a process of digestion is taking place inside our stomachs, and more importantly, the intestines are working. Sometimes these sounds inside your stomach can become louder indicating something termed "bubble guts", a condition that relates to the onset of excess fluids, and gases in the stomach. Many times bubble guts can be blamed on a reaction to certain foods and fluids, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, stress, laxatives, medication, and a host of other isolated stomach conditions.

However, if you continue to experience irritations in your stomach after a prolonged period of time with accompanying symptoms such as: vomiting, abdominal pain, acid reflux, esophageal pain and other bowel complications, then it is definitely the right time to seek out a gastroenterologist who can correctly diagnose and administer a comprehensive level of care for you. It is important to visit a gastroenterologist as soon as you feel your stomach is experiencing irregularities and before developing more serious complications detrimental to your overall health. The sooner we are able to pin-point the exact causes of gastro-intestinal problems, the sooner we can adjust our habits and start living a healthier and pain-free lifestyle. So, after analyzing our search results, we have complied a list of the 7 most frequently searched gastroenterologists in Dubai qualified to address your gastro-intestinal issues.


1. Dr. Balaji Krishnamurthy - Mediclinic City Hospital, DHCC

Dr. Balaji Krishnamurthy, a consultant pediatric gastroenterologist, is by far the most searched doctor in Dubai, marking 15 times higher search volume than the average searched gastroenterologists. He is one of very few pediatric gastroenterologists in Dubai who's been working in several reputed hospitals including: Children’s Hospital, Oxford and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool. Dr.Balaji has performed endoscopies and PEG placements in children ranging from neonates to 16 year olds  with complex problems.

2. Dr. Rachida Sabrane - Dr. Rachida Sabrane Clinic, Bur Dubai

Dr. Rachida Sabrane is an experienced specialist gastroenterologist with more than 18 years of international field practice, including 8 years in the UAE. She is the founder of her own clinic in Bur Dubai and described in one patient review as "always takes as much time as needed, never rushing, always willing to listen." Dr. Rachida scores extra points for her multi-linguistic ability encompassing Arabic, French and Spanish - in addition to English.

3. Dr. Mazin Rasool Aljabiri - Mediclinic, Dubai Mall

An experienced consultant gastroenterologist, Dr. Mazin is known to have performed more than 4,000 colonoscopies and 10,000 gastroscopies. He is also experienced in managing ERCP cases and inflamatory Bowel Diseases and hepatology issues, including managing patients with liver transplant. Dr. Mazin's main interest is intervention endoscopy, including bowel cancer screening. According to reviews, patients seem to complain that he is fast-paced with his consultations, but deeply appreciate his expertise in his field of work.

4. Dr. Ajmal Kader - Dubai Hospital

Dr. Ajmal Kader is a physician with over 20 years' experience, including 10 years as a gastroentrologist more specialised in treating younger patients. After receiving his medical degree from Government Medical College of Calicut, Dr. Kader proceeded to obtain specialist traning and gain membership to the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health.

5. Dr. Saeed Al Shaikh - Medcare Hospital, Dubai

Dr. Saeed Al Shaikh is a consultant gastroenterologist, trained in Ireland, with over 20 years' experience. Dr. Saeed has clinical expertise in endoscopic procedures, hepatology issues and bowel diseases and syndromes. He is a member, and fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland, and member of the American Gastroenterology Association.

6. Dr. Amal Premchandra Upadhyay - Aster Hospital, Mankhool

Dr. Amal Upadhyay is a consultant gastroenterologist trained in the UK and India. He obtained his MD from BJ Medical College of Gujarat University and DM from LT Municipal Medical College, University of Bombay. Dr. Amal is also a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Indian Society of Gastroenterology. He has special interest in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, inflammatory bowel disease and treatmet of obesity.

7. Dr. Houman Houshangi - Iranian Hospital, Dubai

Dr. Houman Houshangi is a consultant gastroenterologist with over 9 years' experience.  He is trained from Tehran University of Medical Sciences and worked at Islamic Azad University as a consultant gastroenterologist. Dr. Houman's expertise encompasses Endoscopy, Colonoscopy and treatment of GI bleeding.

Note: This article is not sponsored in any form by any of the above mentioned doctors or facilities. It is written based purely on customer reviews collected by the DrFive editorial team, which is publicly available on the internet. DrFive is not the originator of reviews that this article is based, thus not to be held responsible for the opinions mentioned above. Readers are recommended to regard the above mentioned list as a reference point, and not an authoritative judgement on medical practitioners' expertise. 


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j456harris wrote a review 9th Dec 2023

Dr Nigel is one of the best Gi docs in Dubai

j456harris wrote a review 9th Dec 2023

Dr Nigel at Emirates should be on this list


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