04 February 2021
Your biggest problem is facial flushing, which never fails to give you away in social situations.
With sensitive oily skin, you may experience any of the following:
- Facial redness and flushing
- Pimples
- Facial oiliness
- Pink patches
- Yellow or skin-colored bumps with a dent in the middle (These enlarged oil glands are called sebaceous hyperplasia.)
- Acne, burning, redness, or stinging in response to many skin care products
- Facial rashes or pink scaling patches, especially around your nose
- Difficulty tanning, frequent sunburns
- Visible red or blue facial blood vessels
Sensitive oily skin is a perfect setup for rosacea. Despite the scientific terminology, rosacea is really a collection of symptoms that you may know well. By identifying which symptoms trouble you, you can manage them or, in some cases, eliminate them and thereby prevent later-stage symptoms.
Oily type of skins are those with excessive sebum secretion. This skin condition oftentimes causes clogged pore and acne. It is recommended that people with oily skin use astringents and other ingredients to absorb oil from the skin. If acne has already developed on the skin, it is preferred to choose cosmetic products that contain ingredients that can help with sterilization, inhibition of bacterial growth, and wound healing. You should cleanse your face as often as possible and use cosmetics that remove dead skin cells to prevent clogging of pores.
Skin tissue is thin with sensitive skin, so it reacts sensitively to external stimuli. Therefore, it is important to protect the skin from irritation factors if the sensitivity is caused either by external factors such as cosmetics or UV rays, or by diseases like seborrheic dermatitis or atopic dermatitis. You may want to seek help from your dermatologist and identify the details of the substances that cause irritation to your skin, usually through a patch test, which monitors your skin’s reaction to different substances suspected to cause issues. For sensitive skin, it is recommended to use products that contain 10 or less ingredients.
Here I've tried to select the products that would work well for your skin type. You can use my promo code HEBA15 to receive 15% off on your order.
For Oily Skins in general
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