Did You Know that Dental Patient Referral by DrFive is 5 Times Better than Google?

25 June 2020


When marketing managers of hospitals or clinic owners start their marketing activities, they naturally start from a baseline of creating online awareness about their business via their company website or landing page then creating supplementary pages on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Next task is, if the situation allows, deciding which channel to utilize to drive paid traffic, which would finally lead to conversion.

Studies have found that on average, search engine platforms such as Google outweigh social media platforms in terms of conversion rates.




Conversion rate means how many of the traffic generated through a paid campaign finally end up buying or, in the context of healthcare, physically visiting the clinic.


Of course, Google’s 8.2% looks quite impressive compared to Facebook’s 4.7% or Youtube’s 0.5%. The magic behind this superior conversion of Google is the audience’s intention. In other words, search engines such as Google is showing a better conversion rate because those who come to your page thanks to Google are actually “searching” for such services. If you compare that to those who are actually searching for “Dental implants” vs. those who simply scroll down the Facebook feeds, it is not so hard to imagine that Google “searchers” are better positioned to purchase the service or visit the clinic.


This brings us to ExpressQuote, a new market that DrFive proudly introduced 9 months ago. Since its launch in September 2019, ExpressQuote has marked a 40% conversion rate, which means 40% of those who claimed a voucher actually turned into paying patients at the clinic. Using a sample size of 950 vouchers claimed on DrFive, referred directly to clinics and doctors, for a variety of dental treatments from standard dental cleaning, to braces and veneers, 380 vouchers converted at the clinic for a total ticket size of AED 635,246.



How was this impressive conversion rate possible, even beating out Google? It’s because those who claimed a voucher on ExpressQuote had a higher intention to “buy” than Google. Almost all of the traffic coming to ExpressQuote pages is generated through Google Search, and then the user proactively “chose” a specific voucher from a clinic after comparing it across multiple options. Conversion rate between those who claimed the voucher and real patients is thus much higher on ExpressQuote than on a Google search, which is a real purchase number divided by entire “clicks” from your Google ads. It is quite obvious that the “Choice” after comparison could definitely be closer to real sales than a “Click” after search.


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