12 September 2021
Body slimming does not mean weight loss. When you need to reduce weight, you need to opt for the right diet program or weight loss surgery. If you have a persistent fat at a specific area of your body such as waist, abdomen or thigh, that’s when you need to look up for the right body slimming treatment. In addition to fat reduction, body slimming can help with reshaping (or contouring) the specific area by enhancing muscle around it, too.
However, this is not all. So many technical terms, brands and methods, easily make you get confused, and in most cases, you end up getting what your doctor or beauty therapist recommends.
This article is written to guide you through the complex structure of body slimming treatment options and their associated costs in Dubai.
Before we dive into the specific treatment methods for body slimming, let’s first touch upon a few guiding principles determining the aesthetic treatment prices in Dubai.
Factors for difference in treatment prices are found to be mainly:
Body slimming basically aims to reshape a specific area of your body by reducing fat and/or enhancing muscles around it.
To reduce fat, methods currently available are 1) Freezing (cryolipolysis); 2) Beaming with Laser (Laser lipolysis); 3) Applying physical stimulation (Lipomassage); 4) Stimulate with Radiofrequency (RF lipolysis), Ultrasound (Cavitation), Electromagnetic, or Acoustic Waves that can penetrate into your fat/muscle. There could be some invasive (liposuction) or minimally invasive (injection lipolysis) means, but we would like to focus on non-invasive treatments here. Let’s review them one by one below:
Fat Freezing (cryolipolysis)
CoolSculpting shall be the most well known device name for fat freezing. The FDA approved technology destroys fat cells by freezing them. The destroyed fat cells get carried out of the body through the lymphatic system and the removed fat cells do not regenerate. Treatment usually lasts for half to an hour and multiple sessions are mostly recommended to achieve desired result.
For fat freezing, you can expect to pay between AED500 to AED1,500 per session for abdominal area treatment. The cost can vary according to the number & size of the treatment area.
Among fat freezing treatments, due to its brand recognition and proven track record, those providers using CoolSculpting will charge higher than others using other brands such as CoolTech. Click here to learn more about CoolSculpting and CoolTech.
Laser Liposuction (Laser lipolysis)
SculpSure is the first device that cleared FDA approval. Similar approach is used by other brands such as Emerald Laser, Zerona as well. In laser lipolysis, laser energy increases the temperature of the fat cells and eventually destroys them. In the following 12 weeks, the dead fat cells get removed from the body through the lymphatic system. The procedure lasts for about half an hour and usually requires multiple sessions to get the desired outcome.
The prices for Laser Liposuction in Dubai are found to lie between AED500 and AED2,000 per session. Reputable clinics will charge you above AED1,000 per session.
LPG endermologie is the most well known device for lipomassage developed by french company LPG. The FDA approved technology mechanically stimulates the skin (with rollers) to re-activate the deep-dormant cellular activity. It is known to help reduce fats resistant to diet and also improve the appearance of cellulite. The procedure takes about half an hour and 10 sessions are usually recommended for the best results.
Average price for the 10 sessions will be around AED800 to AED2,500. You will be advised to purchase a special suit for the treatment to prevent the device directly touching your skin.
Radiofrequency & Ultrasound Liposuction
UltraShape, BTL Vanquish ME and vShape are radiofrequency lipolysis devices frequently mentioned in Dubai. They use Radio Frequency energy waves to heat up and destroy the fat. Another method such as ultrasonic cavitation uses ultrasound to deliver heat energy to reduce fat in the target area.
The prices for RF or Ultrasound liposuction are found to be between AED300 to AED1,000 per session.
Combination treatments
The clinics you visit may recommend services that may combine 2 or 3 methods mentioned above. Well known systems such as VelaShape combine Lipomassage, Laser and Radio Frequency lipolysis to provide more comprehensive treatments under one machine. Combination treatments usually cost more than single methods but cheaper than addition of separate treatments.
Who can perform Body Slimming Treatment in Dubai?
According to Dubai Health Authority Standards, body shaping and cellulite reduction machines cannot be operated by beauty salons. Only healthcare facilities such as aesthetic clinics or rehabilitation centers can provide the services. Within those locations, qualified nurses, physiotherapists and massage therapists (as well as eligible physicians) can provide the service using the body slimming devices.
As a medical procedure, it is recommended to check the credentials of those performing the procedure through 3 party sources like DrFive.com or the clinic's own website to ensure they have the right expertise and experience.
What is the potential risk of Body Slimming Treatments?
What are the minimally-invasive alternatives to body slimming treatments?
Injection lipolysis:
As a treatment of “double chin” by destroying the fat cells underneath the chin, Kybella has been approved by the FDA in 2015. It uses a synthetic form of a substance called “deoxycholic acid”, which is naturally produced in our body that helps to absorb fat. This injection method usually requires multiple treatments to achieve a desired result. Per session, you will be required to pay between AED1,000 to AED3,000 per session.
The other type of fat-dissolving injection is Aqualyx. It is not yet approved by US FDA yet, but getting more popular in countries like UK, Ireland, and Italy. It uses injectable compound derived from the deoxycholate family of acid. Not like Kybella which is used mostly for double chin treatment, Aqualyx is used for various body areas like back, chin, hips, knees, stomach and thighs.
As an injection procedure, this can only be done by qualified specialist physicians.
At-home body slimming:
There are multiple at-home ultrasonic cavitation devices. If a device can disperse 40 kHz of ultrasound at a time, it can be said to be comparable to the devices used at the clinics. However, the outcome and feedback from the user varies significantly, so we recommend you to do your research enough before spending your money.
There are many devices claiming to help with body slimming with Electronic Muscle Stimulator (EMS) technology. However, as of yet, no EMS devices cleared FDA approval for weight loss or girth reduction.
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