Top 4 complaints to doctors in Dubai

15 November 2018


You may think negative reviews are just emotionally charged garbage without any real value in it. Analysing over 5,000 patient feedbacks on doctors in Dubai, DrFive team could find there are a few common experiences repeatedly complained by patients, the genesis of which can be arguably traced back to medical practitioners themselves.


1. Unnecessary tests

unnecessary test

“I had test reports with me, but the doctor refused to even look at it and told me I need to get a new test result from the lab he directs”, “she forced me to go over numerous tests which seems totally unnecessary to me”.

Yes, tests are essential part of diagnosis and doctors must have good reasons to refuse outdated results or request additional reference points. The problem here is that the necessities of all the additional lab visits are not amply explained by physicians to patients, which causes speculation: is he just trying to milk more money out of me with all these additional tests?


2. Over-prescription

Over prescription

You may not see this from negative reviews. This is a corollary of positive comments such as: “I love this doctor as he never prescribes unnecessary drugs like antibiotics”. Especially among parents’ comments towards pediatricians, over-prescription is one of the most repeatedly mentioned topics regarding doctor’s use of medications.


3. Lack of empathy


“He has no courtesy to listen to patients and their problems”, “I always find her in too much hurry”, “if you have doubts and questions to ask her, she advises you to GOOGLE it”.

True. Medical doctors are some of the busiest professionals with very limited time for each patient throughout their day. It is tough to repeat the same explanation to different patients over and over again. However, patients are often times more hurt by a doctor’s lack of empathy than by the sickness itself.


4. Bad results/ misdiagnosis

bad result

“The doctor did the ultra sound and confirmed my pregnancy without doing the blood test… After 2 weeks when we had to go for a second ultrasound she could not see the fetus on the ultra sound and asked me to do the blood test. The results were negative”. Ouch. No comment, no excuse.


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