23 June 2020
There are over 200 nationalities living in Dubai. Once people move here, they will start looking for foods from their native country and communities with like-minded people. These communities share commonalities such as language, interests and social activities. When it comes to health and wellbeing, people are also looking for a healthcare provider they feel familiar with and will start searching online for some meaningful guidance. Whether it’s a common language spoken and nationality, number of reviews and medical background of the doctor, people will settle for a doctor they feel comfortable and confident with disclosing their sensitive health issues.
In just over a year and a half, the number of people visiting doctor profiles on DrFive has more than doubled and this is only for doctors featured in Dubai. The total number of people looking at doctor profiles starting January 2019 was 24,719 and in May 2020 reaching over 50,000.
More interesting to note is that 85.7% of the 50k monthly visitors during the same period were looking at doctor profiles for the first time with the majority of those users based here in the UAE.
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