- recommended: Dr. Deepak is very attentive for my treatment. has implemented my braces with ease
- Very Professional: Very Professional Dr. Deepak at Avance Dental Clinic. Aline Clear Aligner has been the best option for me ...
B.D.S New Zealand
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Dentist | Dentist - General Dentistry
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Dr. Linda Yahya Zakkout's specialty is Dentist - General Dentistry and currently works as a Dentist.
She speaks English.
Dr. Linda Yahya Zakkout is practicing at Tower Clinic
We are helping the local community in the UAE since the year 2001. With our first clinic ... read more
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Self-verified patient of Dr. Linda Yahya Zakkout
wrote a review 6th Dec 2018
Dr. Linda is the most polite and knowledgeable of dentists I have ever seen in Dubai. A true human being by all means. She works magic and I have the utmost respect for the way she handles her patients. In the past, I had bad experience to visit dentists but I really enjoyed every minute of being her in heeling hands. She guides her patients through every procedure and her great smile never departs her face. I will be leaving Dubai in few days to Sydney but I will never forget her magic. I strongly recommend her to everyone who has panic to visit a dentist. God Bless her
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