As of 25 Mar 2025, the 10 best prices and offers we have found in Dubai for Root Canal Treatment for Children are as below:
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Usually, most dentists in Dubai recommend saving existing teeth from extraction prior to providing false or cosmetic dental solutions such as implants, bridges and veneers. This is especially true when it comes to children and their teeth. Children have two sets of teeth, baby and permanent teeth. For either type of tooth, pediatric dentists can provide the right treatment to preserve them, and ensure the proper development of a child’s bite and jaw structure.
It is important to note that baby teeth need to fully develop, and fall out naturally to allow permanent teeth to erupt correctly. Prematurely extracting baby teeth can cause complications when permanent teeth erupt. However, when a child starts to complain about lingering toothaches, an immediate visit to a pediatric dentist will be necessary and an X-ray to determine the extent of tooth decay or infection. If a root canal treatment is required, then parents are highly advised to never opt for tooth extraction. Yes, root canal treatments can be mentally agonizing for a child, but in the end, children will thank their parents for preserving their smile, and self-confidence.
Brand awareness of the clinic: treatment from a more reputable hospital will be costlier than a clinic not widely known to people. Institutions make huge investments to build a trusted brand and patients are supposed to pay a premium to consume it.
Location: Clinics located in Jumeirah, Downtown, or Dubai Marina need to pay higher rents, multiple times more than similarly sized facilities located in less expensive areas of Dubai. Clinics in costlier areas, in turn, will charge more for otherwise similar services accordingly.
Experience of the practitioner: It is quite understandable that you pay more for a service from a more experienced practitioner. In addition to that, if you get treatment from a doctor not a technician, it would cost you more. You will need to pay more to get treatments from specialists as they have more expertise and experience in the field than GPs.
Combination and technology treatments: Clinics and specialists may recommend and provide treatments that combine different treatment techniques. Also, providers can utilize the latest brands and technologies that promise better results.
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