Best Braces to Choose: Damon system or Invisalign

09 March 2019


Dr Naeem Moideen is a Specialist Orthodontist at NOA Dental Clinic. He has perfect 5.0 (Excellent) rating from 22 patients. We sat with him to learn about the latest technology in orthodontistry and his own advices for patients who are considering or going through the orthodontic treatments.




Who needs to consider orthodontic treatments?

Having straight teeth in better position not only accentuates your smile, but it also provides good spacing of your gum and bones. It allows you to clean healthier, chew better, and definitely helps you keep your teeth for a much longer period in healthier environment.


Can you explain about modern orthodontic treatment methods such as Damon System and Invisalign?

Damon System is self-ligating braces, removing rubbers from the braces. That’s how it mainly defers from the traditional braces. That has allowed us to treat cases more with light forces, thereby less inconvenience, but with wider range of treatment options: right from general alignment to even surgical cases.


Invisalign also offers the same customisable options, but with stronger convenience. No more brackets, no more wires. It’s convenient to eat and keep hygiene. Aesthetically, Invisalign is far superior than any other system.


What would be the single most important advice you would like to share with patients going through orthodontic treatments?

Post orthodontic treatment, the retention phase, is very important as it helps to maintain the teeth in the right positions until the bone and gum adapt and regulate the teeth into that positions.




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