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Profile for Dr. Sufian Omar Rashed Abu Salim

Dr. Sufian Abusalim is a leading expert in the dental industry. He is holding a degree in dental surgery (1996) and a specialization in Periodontics (MSD, CAGS) from Boston University, USA. He is an active member, speaker and author in the field and participated in many expert events throughout the world.


He utilizes his extensive experience to provide patients with the highest level of care in a gentle, compassionate and informed manner. After a consultation with him the patient will fill fully informed of all available options that best suit his/hers particular situation and will always be welcome to ask questions and take the time to make the best possible decision.


In the UAE, he was both a speaker & Chairperson in AEEDC Dubai from 2012-2014, as well as an active lecturer on the topics of Periodontics and implants to Doctors and Hygienists in the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and across the region.


He is a standing member of the Emirates Medical Association, Jordanian Dental Association and Jordan Ministry of Health.

Dr. Sufian Omar Rashed Abu Salim's specialty is Dentist - Periodontics (Gum) and currently works as a Dentist.

He speaks English, Arabic.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Sufian Omar Rashed Abu Salim

Dr. Sufian Omar Rashed Abu Salim is practicing at Dubai Primary Health Care (PHC), Al Mankhool


Dubai Primary Health Care (PHC), Al Mankhool

Health Cente​r Primary Health Care (PHC) is the cornerstone of all other health services, hence DHA’ objectives meet ... read more



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