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Dr. Nicole Nicolas

Dentistry Graduate

General Dentist | Dentist - General Dentistry


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Profile for Dr. Nicole Nicolas

Dr. Nicole Nicolas is a Canadian and a graduate of the prestigious McGill University. She is board certified in both Canada and Florida, United States. Dr. Nicolas, is a member of the Ordre des dentistes du Quebec. With deep passion for Dentistry, Dr. Nicolas is a firm believer in the process of continuous improvement; thus, always making sure in perfecting her skills throughout her career. Such philosophy led her to pursue postgraduate studies in the USA and completed a Certification in Advanced Education in General Dentistry at the University of Florida, Florida, USA. She also completed multiple training in renowned institutions such as training on Occlusoin in Dawson Academy, and Implantology training in Pikos Institute, just to name a few. Dr. Nicolas has more than 10 years experience in multiple hospitals and private clinics settings in the USA, Canada and Qatar prior to joining the European University College in November 2017. She speaks Arabic, English, French and Spanish. Dr. Nicolas is eager to greet her patients with the expected EUC warm welcome.

Dr. Nicole Nicolas's specialty is Dentist - General Dentistry and currently works as a General Dentist.

She speaks English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Nicole Nicolas

Dr. Nicole Nicolas is practicing at European University College


European University College

Offering a full range of dental services in a modern facility equipped with the latest technologies, including ... read more



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