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Dr. Nicola George Obeid

Bachelor’s Degree of Dental Science

Dentist | Dentist - General Dentistry


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Profile for Dr. Nicola George Obeid

Dr. Nicola George Obeid attended Tishreen University where he received his bachelor?s Degree of Dental Science and became a full pledge Dentist in 1995. After several years of practicing his profession as a Dentist he followed his compassionate interest in Dentistry and obtain High Diploma in oral Implantology from Nicolas & Asp College, one of the prestigious post graduate Dental Institution in the country tied up with Gothenburg University, in Sweden.

Prior to establishing his Dental Implantology practice, Dr. Obeid completed hundreds of hours of didactic training courses of post graduate Dentistry. He is abreast with the latest innovation in Implant Dentistry and puts it into practice.

He is currently living in Dubai and practicing his profession for over 18 years. His careful planning, thorough treatment in academic and advanced way, made him known to various patients, from different parts of the world.

Dr. Nicola George Obeid's specialty is Dentist - General Dentistry and currently works as a Dentist.

He speaks English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Nicola George Obeid

Dr. Nicola George Obeid is practicing at First Care Clinic


First Care Clinic

We stay abreast of the current advancements in dentistry by attending various educational programmes across the world. ... read more



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