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Dr. Mileva Karabasiljovanovic

PhD in Dentistry


2 reviews

Medical Director | Dentist - General Dentistry


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Reviews for Dr. Mileva Karabasiljovanovic (2)


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best dentist in UAE!

Dr Mileva is the most skilled dentist I have ever visited. She is so meticulous, careful and gentle. I, and many others, have followed her to each clinic she works in. I bring my young daughter and elderly mother to her also. Both are very brave in the chair, but I have a fear of dental procedures, however never ever have I felt any pain, or discomfort whilst in her chair. I am always comfortable and looked after. Very glad I managed to find a trustworthy dentist in uae. Grateful for her!

Dr. Mileva is the best - by Natasha Vascic

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Profile for Dr. Mileva Karabasiljovanovic

Dr. Mileva Karabasil Jovanovic, Doctor of Philosophy in Dentistry and Specialist in Orthodontics, graduated in 2001 at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia. She received her PhD degree in March 2009 from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Tokushima in Japan. She completed specialization in 2012 at the clinic for Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Belgrade University. She has been practicing dentistry for over 15 years in both, public and private health facilities. She provides a full range of dental treatment to patients to help them maintain oral health, keeping up to date with the latest developments in dentistry, with a long track record of successfully diagnosing and treating patients' dental conditions.

Dr. Mileva Karabasiljovanovic's specialty is Dentist - General Dentistry and currently works as a Medical Director.

She speaks English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Mileva Karabasiljovanovic

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