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Dr. Maria Cleofe Famador

Doctor of Dental Medicine

Dentist | Dentist - General Dentistry

English, Tagalog,

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Profile for Dr. Maria Cleofe Famador

Dr. Maria is a Dental Practitioner with a rich experience of 25 years in General and Orthodontic Dentistry in the Philippines. She worked as a company dentist in different prestigious companies catering to employees’ dental needs from the very basic assessment and consultations as well as to the most complex dental procedures.

Dr. Maria earned her degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine at the Cebu Doctor’s University and had attended post-graduate studies and trainings from different institutions. She had also attended special trainings from Alberta Advanced Dental Center in Alberta, Canada as well as from Eastman University College London, London, UK.

Dr. Maria’s trainings coupled by her clinical experience made her more than capable in rendering dental treatment procedures to her patients like restorations (fillings), extractions and third molar removal, root canal treatment, creating new smile design using ceramic veneers and tooth whitening, all types of dentures, crowns and bridges, and periodontal assessment and probing just to name a few

Dr. Maria Cleofe Famador graduated from Cebu Doctors University on 3/1/89 with entrance date 6/15/81 . The school is located in Cebu City

Dr. Maria Cleofe Famador's specialty is Dentist - General Dentistry and currently works as a Dentist.

She speaks English, Tagalog, .


Practicing Locations of Dr. Maria Cleofe Famador

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