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Introduction to Dr. Deepti Gupta

Dr Deepti is the Specialist Orthodontist at ICDE and has been in exclusive Orthodontic practice since 2009. She provides high quality Orthodontic care and is well versed with all the modalities of Orthodontic treatment including Metal & aesthetic ceramic braces, Preventive Orthodontics , Interceptive Orthodontics, Jaw growth modulation in children, Lingual (Invisible) Orthodontics & Clear aligner therapy. Her expertise includes the newer techniques such as self-ligating braces as well as Temporary anchorage devices (Mini-implants) in Orthodontics. She is experienced in the treatment of both adults and children requiring all range of orthodontic care as well as multi disciplinary care such as Orthognathic surgery, Hypodontia (missing teeth) and pre-implant Orthodontics. She has been a part of patient education programs in Schools and a news paper article on Oral hygiene awareness and maintains a keen interest in community outreach programs. She received her Masters in Dental Surgery (Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics) from the prestigious S.D.M College of Dental Sciences, India followed by Diploma in Membership in Orthodontics, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, UK.Dr Deepti currently holds Specialist Orthodontist licenses in Abu Dhabi , Oman & India.



Practicing Locations of Dr. Deepti Gupta

Dr. Deepti Gupta is practicing at International Center for Dental Excellence.


International Center for Dental Excellence

International Center for Dental Excellence is dedicated to providing the highest level of care in meeting the ... read more


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