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Dr. Mini P G


Gynecologist | Gynecology (OBGYN)


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Profile for Dr. Mini P G

Dr. Mini is Specialist Gynaecologist. She has completed her studies in medicine (MBBS) from Govt medical college ,Calicut, DGO from Chennai medical college, MS (OB&G), from Govt.medical college kottayam India and MRCOG form the UK. She worked in Ibinsina medical centre , Ajman for 9yrs.Prior to this, she worked in reputed hospitals in India. She has specialized skills in various sections, in particular, with, infertility , prepregnancy couselling, adolescent gynaecology , comprehencive antenatal care , high risk pregnancy, laproscopy Hysteroscopy, Ultrasound Scanning, Cancer detection.

She speaks Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, English, Arabic & Urdu

Dr Mini PG practices evidence-based medicine, believes in a scientific approach and audits clinical practice. She is particular about keeping abreast with the latest innovations in her field. She pays special attention to counselling patients and always involves them in decision-making. She has a wide spectrum of patients from various parts of India and abroad.

She has years of experience as an organizer of conferences and workshops and is often invited as speaker, chairperson, and panellist in conferences, CMEs and meetings. She is regularly participating health talks in Radio & Television.

She is an awardee of Women excellence award 2017

Dr. Mini P G's specialty is Gynecology (OBGYN) and currently works as a Gynecologist.

She speaks Arabic,English,Hindi,Tamil,Urdu.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Mini P G

Dr. Mini P G is practicing at Al Rukn Medical Center


Al Rukn Medical Center

Al Rukn Medical Center is located in Ajman Bank Building, Al Zahir Street, Ajman. read more



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