Welcome to UAE’s #1 Healthcare Review Portal

29 يونيو 2020



Update your Audience


Moving to another city, hunting for a new opportunity, sharing your contact information with patients, away on vacay? You can now boradcast using your dedicated status box. 


Engage with Patients


Patients will sooner or later leave a feedback on your page reflecting on their experiences with you. You can simply respond by either reporting it as abusive/fake, or simply thanking the user for their feedback.  



Control Your Digital Presence


At the moment, your listing with DrFive is stronger than any other entity listing. So take advantage and control of your page with us to maximize your exposure with the online community.




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Still not convinced?


Hear what other fellow doctors have to say about patient reviews on healthcare professionals:





Leverage the growing trend with patients:




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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Is DrFive free for doctors?


YES! This a free service for doctors. As a doctor, you can edit your profile, reply or report reviews, access doctors' community wall, receive online appointment or messages from patients absolutely free of charge. 


How do you validate my credentials as a doctor?

Once you submit a request to either create a new profile or claim an existing one, you will be asked to submit proof of your credentials: doctor's license (DHA, MOH etc). DrFive team can validate your profile accordingly by referring to the local authority registry. 


Who can submit reviews on my page?

Anyone visiting your public profile page can write a review after their contact details have been validated by us. 


How can I manage or delete my reviews?


Once a review is logged, it can't be modified or removed unless reviewers themselves are requested or voluntarily do so. If you are a doctor and believe a review about yourself is justifiably requested to be deleted (according to UAE law), you can report the review to DrFive admin using "Report review" option on the user dashboard (DrFive Mypage). Once reported, the review will be flagged as "reported" and hidden with an additional filter. We will notify the review writer on this and request feedback. DrFive team will try to moderate an acceptable resolution for both parties.


Why do I need to claim my profile on DrFive?


By claiming your profile on DrFive, you can enjoy many services available exclusively for doctors.
First, you can have full access to your profile page where you can freely edit personal/professional details or change your profile image on the same page.
Second, you can engage with the patients through your public profile page. You can express gratitude to your reviewers or, if you believe a review is abusive, report it to the admin. You can update your status message or create a post to share your achievements.
Third, you can join our exclusive community of doctors where you can share ideas and achievements. You can connect to other doctors and chat online, post images or texts to share with fellow doctors.
That's not all, as our team will keep working to help make your practice more efficient and rewarding. 


Click here for more details on joining DrFive as a medical professional.


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