22 يونيو 2020
It’s not always convenient or better to fly back home for that nagging injury or non-elective procedure you’ve had on your wish-list. When it comes to choosing a good doctor in the UAE, patients will almost always ask their existing doctor, friends and family or simply consult with whichever healthcare provider is covered by their insurance company. However, with the proliferation of review platforms covering a gamut of services and the rise of transparency towards evaluating services in general, patients are increasingly turning to online review platforms for their healthcare choices.
According to the national research corporation, NRC Health, they have published over 10 million patient reviews, and have found that 92.4% of consumers use online reviews to guide their purchasing decisions and more than a third of people say a doctor’s online reputation is very important.* It is safe to say that this number will continue to rise as healthcare providers look to expand their online services through telemedicine, social media and other remote healthcare platforms to raise their online presence.
Here at DrFive, we have taken proactive steps to cater to the needs of patients living in the UAE who are looking to make informed and safe decisions about their health, medical treatments and overall wellbeing. To ensure that both doctors and patient benefit the most out of reviews,
DrFive has focused on three factors:
(1) Review transparency
(2) Relevance
(3) Review engagement
All reviews submitted by DrFive must first pass a minimum submission of 50 characters and also mandatory verification by the user. This is done to ensure that all our reviews are a little deeper than a superficial “Great doc” comment and a thumbs up gesture.
Once received, doctors can freely respond to patient feedbacks by either thanking them or offering something more to the patients. In addition, if doctors feel the review is baseless or even fake they can simply report the content for further evaluation by our team.
Responding to patient reviews shows that a doctor cares about patients, provides transparency and ultimately this engagement builds trust and attracts future visitors.
*Source: https://nrchealth.com/patients-trust-online-reviews/
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