- It was best decision to visit Dr shalini: We visited Dr. shalini for second opinion, as there were few complications. ...
- "I am forever grateful to Dr. SHALINI VE: I am forever grateful to Dr. SHALINI VERMA for her exceptional care ...
9 reviews
Specialist Obstetrician & Gynecologist | Gynecology (OBGYN)
Dr. Zenab Tambawala's specialty is Gynecology (OBGYN) and currently works as a Specialist Obstetrician & Gynecologist.
She speaks English.
Dr. Zenab Tambawala is practicing at Dubai Hospital
Initially, the Department of Health and Medical Services (DOHMS), which was created in 1973, was the functioning ... read more
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Self-verified patient of Dr. Zenab Tambawala
wrote a review 8th Oct 2018
Dr. Zainab is an exceptional doctor. Her clinical knowledge is excellent. She is also one of the kindest and most compassionate human beings I have ever met.
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Self-verified patient of Dr. Zenab Tambawala
wrote a review 8th Oct 2018
A very good Doctor. I would highly recommend Dr. Zenab for her patience and professional approach. she's take good care of her patients. You have to ask for Dr. Zenab in the OPD.
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Self-verified patient of Dr. Zenab Tambawala
wrote a review 4th May 2018
The best thing about Dr. Zenab is that she cares for her patients and is very polite to them. I had consulted other Doctor in the past and had gone for a second opinion to her. But she went the extra step to counsel me in detail. This is what builds a relation ship of trust between the doctor and patient. She delivered my princess. I love you doctor.
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Self-verified patient of Dr. Zenab Tambawala
wrote a review 31st Jan 2018
Dr. Zenab very very supportive calm makes the patient tension free I had a very good experience with her ...She is one of the best Dr which I highly recommend... many Dr. Scared me with different issues but Dr. Zenab treated me very well and I delivered cute lil angel just because of her support n right guidance.....
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Self-verified patient of Dr. Zenab Tambawala
wrote a review 3rd Jan 2018
She is amazingly supportive, polite towards her patient. Her last delivery from Aster was my baby boy. Thank you so much -- Pulkit & Jigyasa
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