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Dr. Sandeep T K


Internist | Internal Medicine


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Profile for Dr. Sandeep T K

Dr Sandeep T K. hails from Thrissur in Kerala , the southernmost state of India.

He completed his M.B.B.S from Government Medical College, Thrissur in the year of 1998 and specialized in Internal Medicine from APS university in 2002. He worked as lecturer in Internal Medicine in the Government Medical College , Thrissur for a short period of time but moved to London for further studies in 2003.

He attained the world class training and the prestigious MRCP from the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom. He also holds Fellowship in Diabetes (Royal Liverpool Academy (UK) and he is certified by Diabetes Management Course -Harvard Medical School (USA).

It was during his tenure in UK he started Specialist training in Endocrinology and Diabetes. He worked in various internationally reputed NHS hospitals in UK namely Mount Vernon Institute, Watford General Hospital, and Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, West Hertfordshire NHS trust Hospital, Ipswich General Hospital, Crawley and West Sussex NHS hospital. His main fields of interest are Endocrinology and Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Non Alcoholic Steato Hepatitis (Fatty Liver) and Thyroid disorders.

During his tenure in UK he presented several papers in the Medical education programmes and he thoroughly involved in the undergraduate teaching of the UK medical students.

He also was involved in the Clinical Governance and Research and his publication on Obesity and associated co morbidities was recognised for its results on the prevalence of Diabetes on obese population.

He moved to Abu Dhabi in 2007 and worked in a private hospital for 3 years and during this time he realized the need and potential of high quality healthcare in international standards, affordable and accessible to the common people of Abu Dhabi. This dream led to the realization of Apollo Medical Centre.

Dr. Sandeep T K's specialty is Internal Medicine and currently works as a Internist.

He speaks English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Sandeep T K

Dr. Sandeep T K is practicing at Apollo Medical Centre, Hamdan St


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