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Dr. Sajjad Ali

CCT Clinical Neurophysiology

Neurologist | Neurology


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Profile for Dr. Sajjad Ali

Dr. Sajjad Ali is our visiting Physician Consultant in Clinical Neurophysiology from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Ali?s special interests include Clinical-Electrodiagnosis of neuromuscular problems including nerve entrapment neuropathies (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome), cervical and lumbosacral radiculopathies, traumatic nerve injuries, facial nerve palsy (Bell?s Palsy) and diabetic neuropathies.

Dr. Ali completed his ?Certificate of Completion of Training? (CCT) in Clinical Neurophysiology from the West Midlands Deanery, UK in 2009 and then worked as a Physician Consultant at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB), where he gained experience in the clinical and electrodiagnostic evaluation of traumatic and war-injury nerve injuries, as the QEHB is a designated trauma center as well home for the Royal Center for Defense Medicine (RCDM). Dr. Ali also had practice privileges at the Priory Hospital Birmingham as well as was Director, Electrodiagnostic Ltd which endeavored to provide all neurophysiological services for both the NHS and the private sector. Currently, Dr. Ali works in one of the biggest healthcare organization in KSA, in Riyadh. Other research and special interests include electrodiagnosis of neuromuscular transmission (single-fiber electromyography), EMG-guided Botox injections for spasticity, neuro-intraoperative monitoring and sleep studies.

Dr. Ali has been involved with training and teaching residents both in the UK and KSA. He was accredited Educational Supervisor by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) and presently is responsible for Neurophysiology training for residents from adult and pediatric Neurology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R). Dr. Ali is also assigned the task of managing the Neurophysiology Lab, with a focus on workflow efficiency and quality management. Dr. Ali regularly conducts training sessions and CME workshops for teaching and training of Electrodiagnostic Medicine for other specialties.

Dr. Sajjad Ali's specialty is Neurology and currently works as a Neurologist.

He speaks Arabic,English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Sajjad Ali

Dr. Sajjad Ali is practicing at American Spine Center


American Spine Center

American Spine Center is specialized in the NON-SURGICAL treatment of Spine and Joint pain by utilizing innovative ... read more



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