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Reviews for Dr. Mohammad Almiani (1)


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1 contributions

I had a good experience with Dr. Mohammad Almi

My experience with Dr. Mohammad was very excellent. He is, by nature, a good listener to his patients. In my case, Dr. Mohammad was following up on the developments regularly. He answered my personal phone calls at all times and always gave me advice without hesitation.He explained my case to me in detail, referred to the problem and suggested a solution, and I felt completely comfortable in dealing with him. Although I was in contact with a number of doctors before, I decided to keep up with Dr. Mohammad because none of my previous doctors were even close to his professionalism, intelligence and compassion.

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Profile for Dr. Mohammad Almiani

Dr. Mohammad Almiani's specialty is Nephrology and currently works as a Nephrologist.

He speaks English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Mohammad Almiani

Dr. Mohammad Almiani is practicing at Dr Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital, Dubai Healthcare City


Dr Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital, Dubai Healthcare City

Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital Dubai, located in Dubai Healthcare City and part of the Habib Medical ... read more


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