Profile for Dr. Maria Amelie Cagakit Sta Romana
Dr Maria Amelie Cagakit Sta Romana , BSc, MD, Dip O&G, FPOGS, is one of the best Specialists in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Reproductive & Sexual Health and Endoscopic Surgery in Abu Dhabi.
With the clinical experience in the field of general obstetrics and gynaecology and the academic acumen from the experience of being an Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Dr. Maria Amelie Sta Romana's input would maintain the highest standard we are used to provide in The British Clinic.
We will continue to maintain the highest clinical services with the patient's interests first
Dr. Maria Amelie Cagakit Sta Romana's specialty is Gynecology (OBGYN) and currently works as a Specialist - Obstetrics and Gynecology.
She speaks .
Practicing Locations of Dr. Maria Amelie Cagakit Sta Romana
Dr. Maria Amelie Cagakit Sta Romana is practicing at The British Clinic
Self-verified patient of Dr. Maria Amelie Cagakit Sta Romana
wrote a review 21st Jan 2018
The best care obstetrician Gynecologist Dr.Samia Saafan Dr.Maria Sta. Romana ..went with my wife they were caring professional and gave us time and explained clearly..felt confidant with The British clinic staff as all were very good . We thanked the friends who recommended them. - by Osman sid ahmed
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