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Profile for Dubai Homeopathy Health Centre

Dubai Homeopathy Health Centre has 6 medical staff across 3 specialties. It has 1 reviewed doctors: Dr. Javed Hingora (Homeopathic Medicine / Homeopathic Physician).

Specialized Therapies for Enhancement of Personal State (STEPS) is an exclusive, natural, holistic and a comprehensive treatment program designed to prevent diseases, cure them and enhance the qualify of an individual life.STEPS is a dedicated and absolute healing program. We are committed that an individual conquers their symptoms and simultaneously enhance their quality of life by boosting their general health, immunity, energy, sleep, motivation, self-esteem, and general levels of positivity. At STEPS, we believe that a person is dynamic, intelligent, reactive, living organism with emotions and mental abilities. There are many factors that affect and cause an individual to react or behave in a certain manner. Humans constantly strive to maintain composure and optimum health when faced with several threatening factors – whatever they may be. Generally, when exposed to these factors, a person often loses equilibrium and expresses distress by producing symptoms of a disease. It is essential to address and re-establish this imbalance and STEPS offers the appropriate natural and encouraging tools to focus on rectifying this imbalance.



Location of Dubai Homeopathy Health Centre

Dubai Homeopathy Health Centre is located in Dubai, UAE (Dubai, UAE)



Specialists available at Dubai Homeopathy Health Centre


Insurance Affiliations of Dubai Homeopathy Health Centre

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