- Kidney stone removal perfectly: I recently had a kidney stone operation performed by Dr. Ahmed Hassan, and I couldnt be ...
- Great doctor, with very good experience,: Great doctor, with very good experience, informative, friendly, and gives great advice for married ...
Self-verified patient of Dr. Osama Jaber
wrote a review 13th Sep 2019
بكل صراحة من خلال تجربة من زيارتين لهذا الأخصائي كل ما تشعر به هو انه يحاول ان يحصل منك على اكبر قدر من المال وبأي طريقة ممكنة وبغض النظر عن علمه وإمكانياته فلن تشعر ابدا بانك قادر ان تثق به Frankly, through the experience of two visits to this specialist all you feel is that he is trying to get you as much money and in any way possible and regardless of his knowledge and potential you will never feel that you can trust him
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Self-verified patient of Dr. Osama Jaber
wrote a review 27th Dec 2017
(Translated by Google) Clinic qualified and trustworthy .. Dr. Osama Jaber example of a professional medical diagnosis and scientific featured - by Nour Yasin (Original) عيادة مؤهلة وجديرة بالثقة .. الدكتور أسامة جبر مثال للمهنية الطبية والتشخيص العلمي المميز
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Self-verified patient of Dr. Osama Jaber
wrote a review 27th Dec 2017
Translated by Google) Dr. Osama Jabr .. where skill meets with experience and personal excellence .. thanks to God first, and Dr. Osama II corresponded to heal on his hand ... equipped with a distinct and clinic services .. Thank you Dr. - by Abid Moustafa (Original) دكتور أسامة جبر.. حيث تجتمع المهارة مع الخبرة و تميز الشخصية.. بفضل من الله اولا ولدكتور اسامة ثانيا تماثلت للشفاء على يده...عيادة مجهزة وخدمات متميزة.. شكرا دكتور
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Self-verified patient of Dr. Osama Jaber
wrote a review 27th Dec 2017
Dr.Osama is a brilliant doctor, very helpful and assisting, I would no doubt go back to him. - by Abdalla Ahmed Mahmoud
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Self-verified patient of Dr. Osama Jaber
wrote a review 27th Dec 2017
Great clinic amazing service and trusted doctor.. Thank you dr. Osama for making your patients feel safe and well treated. Keep up the great work and thank you. - by Reham Gabr
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