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Dr. Haleema Bi Khan

Doctor of Chiropractic


1 reviews

Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) | Chiropractic


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Reviews for Dr. Haleema Bi Khan (1)


wrote a review

Hello..My mum was suffering with back pain 24/7 from last couple of years and she couldn't even stand for 20 seconds. It was a hard time for her but thanks to Dr Haleema khan and her positive energy, guidence and a proper treatment which needed her to be able to stand on her feets and she make it possible. N today Allhumdulilah she is doing fine n getting better n better Everyday.. thank you Doctor haleema khan. Highly recommend..

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Profile for Dr. Haleema Bi Khan

Dr. Haleema Khan graduated from the Anglo European college of Chiropractic in Bournemouth, UK, in 2010 with a Masters in Chiropractic. She spent three and half years practicing along the South coast of England, before returning to her birth city of London where she worked for a further year and a half. Becoming tired of the hustle and bustle of the London life she decided to move to the UAE.

From a young age Dr. Khan has always been conscious of her health and leads a healthy and active lifestyle. She loves to play netball, currently improving her beach volleyball skills and when she can works out in the gym. Growing up in a traditional family Dr. Khan has always been a hands on person, from massaging to traditional walking on backs. Realising the benefits of natural alternatives to mainstream medicine is what led her to Chiropractic.


Dr. Khan believes that life’s daily stressors whether they be physical, chemical or emotional can add up impacting on the human body in far greater ways than most realise. She believes in the holistic approach to whole family wellness. Treating the body as whole leads to proper alignment of the nervous system enabling it to function effectively, therefore promoting healing and better health around the body.


She strives to give her patients a more fulfilled and enjoyable quality of life by educating them about chiropractic care and healthy lifestyle choices. Chiropractic care is a natural healthcare approach which can help one restore and maintain balance within the body and leave you better prepared to live life to its fullest.


“To keep the body in good health is a duty… Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” Buddha

Dr. Haleema Bi Khan's specialty is Chiropractic and currently works as a Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM).

She speaks English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Haleema Bi Khan

Dr. Haleema Bi Khan is practicing at Pure Chiropractic & Physiotherapy, Dubai Media City


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