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Dr. Annalisa Perego

MSc General Surgery (Sub - Breast Cancer Surgery)

General Surgeon | General Surgery

English, German, Italian

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Profile for Dr. Annalisa Perego

Dr. Annalisa Perego obtained her medical degree from the University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy in 2004, she got her postgraduate diploma in general surgery in 2010 sub-specialising in breast cancer surgery and presenting a thesis about sentinel node biopsy after preoperative chemotherapy
She spent most of her time treating breast diseases from benign to cancer. She worked in Italy in Monza as assistant to Marco Greco, internationally renowned breast surgeon.
As regards surgery she has very good outcome in conservative surgery for benign breast tumor and breast cancer like sentinel lymph node biopsy and ROLL (Radio-Occult Lesion Localisation for non- palpable breast lesions).

She has special interest in following high risk patients with genetic BRCA mutation or family history of breast cancer.  Other job experiences were at Mangioni Hospital-Lecco and Alessandro Manzoni Hospital-Lecco as breast and general surgeon. She was a volounteer surgeon during two missions to India in 2011 and 2012.

She is a member of A.N.I.S.C (Associazione nazionale italiana senologi chirurghi) and she worked for nonprofit breast cancer organisations like LILT (Lega italiana per la Lotta contro I Tumori)

Dr. Annalisa Perego's specialty is General Surgery and currently works as a General Surgeon.

She speaks English, German, Italian.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Annalisa Perego

Dr. Annalisa Perego is practicing at Well Woman Clinic


Well Woman Clinic

We’re here for you. The Well Women Clinic deals specifically with medical issues related to women. A one-stop ... read more



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