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Victoria Physiotherapy Center has 0 medical staff across 0 specialties.
Victoria Center is a leading Physical Therapy and Weight loss. It is a reflection and collaboration of a list Physiotherapists, Aide – Physiotherapists, Nutrition Specialists and Slimming Experts, who are well-known in their own field and who have studied on how to work closely with patients, doctors and family members to ensure safe and rapid return to maximal function, healing body and keep it as fit as possible. Our phenomenal- success combination of our team expertise and dedication. Importantly it comes from our belief (desire) in transforming lives through physical procedures to gain more confidence and inner peace, to find out how we can put your body systems in the right and healthy functions, bring out your ultimate power and desire of life. Please contact us.
Victoria Physiotherapy Center is located in Deira (Dubai, UAE)
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