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Thomson Medical is an established gynaecology and obstetrics medical facility in Singapore. For over 35 years, we have provided quality advice, care and treatment to women of different ages, and for all types of conditions, particularly issues related to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, pregnancy & maternity, and menopause & hormone management. At Thomson Medical, we believe that a woman’s obstetrician and gynaecologist is not just another health care provider, they form a greater part of her life. Fostering strong relations with our patients, coupled with our doctors’ relentless drive to excel in their respective fields, our centres of excellence provide for the necessary pedestal of care beyond maternity. Services we provide include gynaecological screening, fertility treatment, pap smear, pelvic ultrasound, menopause medicine, pregnancy check-ups, antenatal care and delivery, family planning, and specialized health screening for women. All our services are conducted by board-certified physicians. Visit Thomson Medical and be on your way to a healthy life with peace of mind today.
Thomson Medical is located in Singapore, Singapore (Singapore, Singapore)
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