Jumeirah - 2
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Thai Elite Spa, Jumeirah2 has 0 medical staff across 0 specialties.
ABOUT THAI ELITE SPA Thai Elite Spa & Rehabilitation Center believes that beauty is more than having a slim figure.It is also about taking care of your health. Our unique slimming system is designed to help You gain your ideal figure, while boosting your health and immune system....with proven results. Our main focus is your satisfaction.That's why we seek and invest in the most advanced technological equipment for slimming and facial solutions.We strongly believe in the importance of investing on the latest and most effective equipment out there to give you the best possible resulte. Our profassionally trained consultants will design a personalised treatment plan make your transformation easier safer and more effective, works best for your needs. With Thai Elite Spa & Rehabilitation Center, nothing makes us more satisfied that seeing you walk out with your new ideal figure coupled with healthy vitality and brand new confidence.
Thai Elite Spa, Jumeirah2 is located in Jumeirah - 2 (Dubai, UAE)
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