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Specialized Dental and Orthodontic Centre

Al Amjad St

Opening Hours: Today 9:00 AM-9:00 PM

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Profile for Specialized Dental and Orthodontic Centre

Specialized Dental and Orthodontic Centre has 6 medical staff across 1 specialties. It has 1 reviewed doctors: Dr. Abhishek Parashar (Dentist - Orthodontics / Specialist Orthodontist).

The Specialized Dental & Orthodontic Center was established in 2005 in Abu Dhabi, and since then it has been delivering world-class dental care to the residents of Abu Dhabi and the neighboring Emirates. Our practice is designed to create a warm and friendly atmosphere where our patients feel at home during their treatment. For over a decade we have built our reputation based on the results we have achieved. This has been made possible by our expert team of Dentists using state-of-the-art equipment and applying the most advanced dental techniques. We believe in personalized, long-term care instead of temporary solutions. We are a comprehensive oral healthcare clinic. Apart from providing general dentistry for the whole family we make sure all our specialists (Orthodontist, Endodontist, Periodontist & Implantologist) are in the clinic to ensure that best treatment is available under one roof. We use state-of-the-art sterilizing and disinfecting techniques and our dental equipment is of the highest standards available. We understand the complexities of dental problems and the absolute need to tackle them with utmost care, which is why our clinics consist of some of the most highly reputable doctors in the UAE, and are equipped with state of the art equipment. We ensure that no stone is left unturned in providing our patients with the best healthcare facilities. We recommend that you visit your dentist regularly – at least once every six months – to ensure proper oral hygiene and functionality. Regular checkups and oral health maintenance prevent the development of serious dental problems that can require costly treatment. If you remain vigilant and visit your dentist regularly, you can enjoy exceptional dental health for life.



Opening Hours for Specialized Dental and Orthodontic Centre

Sunday:9:00 AM-9:00 PM
Monday:9:00 AM-9:00 PM
Tuesday:9:00 AM-9:00 PM
Wednesday:9:00 AM-9:00 PM
Thursday:9:00 AM-9:00 PM
Friday:9:00 AM-9:00 PM
Saturday:9:00 AM-9:00 PM



Location of Specialized Dental and Orthodontic Centre

Specialized Dental and Orthodontic Centre is located in Al Amjad St (Abu Dhabi, UAE)



Specialists available at Specialized Dental and Orthodontic Centre


Insurance Affiliations of Specialized Dental and Orthodontic Centre

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