Reviews for Oriana Specialty Hospital, Sharjah

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Profile for Oriana Specialty Hospital, Sharjah

Oriana Specialty Hospital, Sharjah has 21 medical staff across 10 specialties.

The flagship Oriana hospital in Al Taawun, Sharjah is housed within the impressive residential Manazil Tower 2 , Covering 30,000 square feet . Easily accessible by one of the five lifts together plus a dedicated surgical bed size lift , with parking facilities. We are ready and eager to welcome our patients to a better experience of healthcare. This is in addition to the opening of the branch clinics of oriana hospital in al buhaira Sharjah, Al Reem tower in an estimated area of 5,000 square feet, which opened at the beginning of 2016. At Oriana Hospital Sharjah, our doctors and nurses seek to look after our patients in fresh, clean and modern premises with a sound cultural understanding and awareness of local healthcare needs. The Oriana Hospital Sharjah facilities have been specifically designed with our patients in mind. We aim to treat a wide range of patients every year throughout the Oriana Hospital network and are incredibly proud of our individually inspired care program. As with all our patients, you can be assured that you are in expert hands and are in comfortable, caring clean and safe environment where your needs always come first.



Location of Oriana Specialty Hospital, Sharjah

Oriana Specialty Hospital, Sharjah is located in Al Taawun (Sharjah, UAE)



Specialists available at Oriana Specialty Hospital, Sharjah


Insurance Affiliations of Oriana Specialty Hospital, Sharjah

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