Reviews for Novomind, Dubai Marina

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Profile for Novomind, Dubai Marina

Novomind, Dubai Marina has 10 medical staff across 4 specialties. It has 1 reviewed doctors: Dr. Hanan Hussein (Psychiatry / Consultant Psychiatrist).

Dr Mazen Sawaf, better known as Dr Max, is the CEO and founder of the Novomed Centers. It is headquartered in Dubai, with branches across Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, including clinics, hospitals and homecare services. Dr Max aims to offer the UAE the best technology and best service, but above all, doctors who give honest advice. All of our Novomed Centers have Specialized Clinics such as gynecology, orthopedics, dermatology, gastroenterology, etc. In addition, we have Novomed Aesthetica with cosmetic surgeons, dermatologists, laser technicians and beauty therapist offering cutting-edge treatments. Novomed Psychiatry & Neurology services cover mental well-being, family counselling, academic assessments and more. Our Novomed Integrative Medicine clinic includes physicians specializing in naturopathic and functional medicine. We also have a Men’s Health Center and a dedicated Allergy & Asthma Center for testing and treatment. Our services are complemented by advanced diagnostic and treatment facilities, including genetic testing, radiology and elite surgical and day hospitals, stem cell solutions and a sleep lab.



Location of Novomind, Dubai Marina

Novomind, Dubai Marina is located in 25th Floor, Marina Plaza, Dubai (Dubai, UAE)



Specialists available at Novomind, Dubai Marina


Insurance Affiliations of Novomind, Dubai Marina

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