Almazah, Heliopolis
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Egypt Air Hospital has 0 medical staff across 0 specialties.
Egypt Air Hospital has undergone renovations, developing new modern facilities such as advanced surgeries (spinal cord, brain surgeries, open heart surgery, and liver and kidney transplants), cardiac catheterization, renal dialysis, endoscopic procedures and nuclear medicine. The hospital has also upgraded the emergency department (ER), which offers 24-hour services through a highly qualified team and a fully equipped operating theatre for rapid surgical and orthopedic interventions, as well as a specialized intensive care unit. Egypt Air started out by offering its services only to Egypt Air employees and their families. Later on, its services were extended to cover all civil aviation field workers. Currently, services are offered to the public, whether from Egypt or from abroad.
Egypt Air Hospital is located in Almazah, Heliopolis (, )
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