Golden Mile, Galleria 2, Palm Jumeirah
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ConfiDent Palm Dentist has 0 medical staff across 0 specialties.
ConfiDent ® Palm Dentist, named due to its location on the iconic Palm Jumeirah island in Dubai, is a Team of highly qualified Dental Specialists operating in a fully equipped clinic with an in-house Dental Laboratory. The clinic is an awarded Leading Implant Center and covering the whole field of modern dental medicine such as : - oral hygiene (teeth cleaning & whitening) - gum laser treatment - teeth alignment with braces or Invisalign - root canal treatment with microscope - dental fillings, crowns, veneers - dental implants & complete arch rehabilitation - routine dentistry for kids and their first visit - all dental radiography / xray imaging. The project was built with the vision to provide honest and high class dentistry to UAE’s residents and tourists. Don't be any patient at any clinic, be a guest at ConfiDent ®
ConfiDent Palm Dentist is located in Golden Mile, Galleria 2, Palm Jumeirah (Dubai, UAE)
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