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Profile for Ayur Care Ayurvedic Wellness Center

Ayur Care Ayurvedic Wellness Center has 3 medical staff across 1 specialties.

WHY AYURVEDA Modern medicine tries to treat and remove the condition, rather than treating the patient suffering from it. This is stemmed from a view that all the people are more or less the same as opposed to the Ayurvedic principle. Ayurveda makes it special contribution by addressing the uniqueness of each patient and by helping body to heal itself. The Central principle of Ayurveda is that each human being is unique having a distinct individual constitution, genetic inheritance and predisposition to certain diseases, and a distinct spiritual makeup. Ayurveda approaches the problem from different angles. Pancha karma (Five actions) and Ayurvedic massages are effective in flushing out toxins already in the body and internal system down to the last cell. The body is tuned up by massage, oil bath and other procedures. Herbal food supplements and health care products builds up the immune system in a natural way. There are specific drugs to strengthen each system of the body, and arrest aging process. Ayurveda prevents toxins entering into the body by making people keep a watch on their food habits and food Ayurveda finds its foundation in the ancient classical texts of Charaka Samhitha, Susrutha Samhitah, Ashtanaga Samgraham, Ashanga Hridayam, Sargadhara Samhitha, Bhishaga Ratnavali etc., which are the treasury of effective practices and formulations and these form the basis of Ayurvedic pharmaceuticals. Recent scientific research has proved the efficacy of herbs used and also the formulations. Number of Ayurvedic research institutes in different parts of the country as well as the world have taken up scientific research into these health care products.



Location of Ayur Care Ayurvedic Wellness Center

Ayur Care Ayurvedic Wellness Center is located in Al Qusais Industrial - 2 (Dubai, UAE)



Specialists available at Ayur Care Ayurvedic Wellness Center


Insurance Affiliations of Ayur Care Ayurvedic Wellness Center

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