Reviews for Al Noor Polyclinic, Deira

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Profile for Al Noor Polyclinic, Deira

Al Noor Polyclinic, Deira has 24 medical staff across 10 specialties. It has 7 reviewed doctors: Dr. Parag Pitti (Dentist - General Dentistry / Dentist), Dr. Anu Jayan Mookencheril Paul (Opthalmology / Specialist Ophthalmologist), Dr. Chithra Alayil Veetil (Gynecology (OBGYN) / Physician), Dr. Somanath Shyamnath (Opthalmology / GP - Ophthalmologist), Dr. Suresh Gopinathan (General Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) / Physician), Dr. Shoaib Ur Rahman (General Practice / Physician), Dr. C. H. Moidu (Internal Medicine / Internist).

Al Noor polyclinic was established in 1995 with a view to provide quality health care at affordable cost. In a quest to provide better treatment we have managed to get the best panel of doctors from all fields of medicine. Our doctors are mainly from reputed private and Medical College hospitals from kerala. The clinic has state of the art treatment facilities that help to provide our patients excellent care. To ensure that the patients receive best of medical care and efficient service a team of patient relation coordinators attend to all patients. The unrivaled level of personal care and professional commitment which we provide to the more discerning patient clearly differentiates our service from other institutions. This is a reputation that we proudly maintain by constant dedication to progress and unwavering commitments to the quality of service we provide have helped us to enhance patient facilities in our centre. The clinic is empanelled with all major medical insurance companies.



Location of Al Noor Polyclinic, Deira

Al Noor Polyclinic, Deira is located in Naif (Dubai, UAE)



Specialists available at Al Noor Polyclinic, Deira


Doctors of Al Noor Polyclinic, Deira


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