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Dr. Zacharias Mathew



1 reviews

STD Specialist | General Practice


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Reviews for Dr. Zacharias Mathew (1)


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Using a different name for privacy purposes. I have been seeing Dr. Zack for many years now for my routine check up. I was surprised to see very few people write bad reviews. In my experience from the moment you walk in and you are greeted by super nice and understanding nurses they explain the process and go through a catalogue of different tests. Walking in to Dr. Zacks office dont expect him to be cheezy he is a professional and handles his patients with extreme confidence. Even though he may seem to be very serious he would crack a jock every now and then just to calm you down. He will ask you few questions and guide you to what symptoms you are having and link it with a test package sometimes he would refer me to the cheap ones sometimes to the expensive ones and sometimes he would just sent me off without a test package as I was just being paranoid therefore you can be confident that he does not up sell and would give you a test linked to your symptoms and needs time sensitive needs early detection etc... For when I have a positive result a follow up free consultation is offered prescription of drugs which work because he will give you a free test to make sure your clear after the course and it always clears up. Recently I had stinging pain and went for the routine test and all was negative even though It was negative i did not understand the pain and was confused so i called the nurse which took down my concern within half an hour Dr. Zack personally calls me back to assure me that nothing is wrong and that we should do further test non STD related. I wouldnt go anywhere else in Dubai for my test 1 because dr. zack has been here for decades 2 I get professional service 3 you dont feel judged. - by Charly Horst

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Profile for Dr. Zacharias Mathew

Dr. Zacharias Mathew specializes in discreet testing and teratments for  sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In addition to STD testing, Dr. Mathew provides confidential HIV tests including early detections tests at Zack Medical Center. The center is owned and operated by Dr. Zacharias Mathew. 

Dr. Zacharias Mathew is also a member in the following:

  • Member, British Association for Sexual Health and HIV

  • Member,  International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infection

  • Member, American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association

  • Member Indian Association of Dermatologist & Venereologist

  • Member,  British HIV Association

Dr. Zacharias Mathew's specialty is General Practice and currently works as a STD Specialist.

He speaks English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Zacharias Mathew

Dr. Zacharias Mathew is practicing at Zack Medical Center


Zack Medical Center

Trusted Discreet Care, Since 2004 Same day result (conditions apply) Premarital / Annual Sexual Health Tests. Conventional tests ... read more



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