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Dr. Vinathi Mutyala

Specialist Ophthalmology - Occuloplasty | Opthalmology


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Profile for Dr. Vinathi Mutyala

Dr. Vinathi Mutyala obtained her MBBS from Andhra Medical College and King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam and Masters in Ophthalmology (MS) from Regional Eye Hospital, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam. She received her Diplomate of National Board (DNB), from National Board of Examinations, New Delhi.

She has undergone a long term fellowship in Orbit and Oculoplasty from Medical Research Foundation, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai

Her specialities include Oculoplasty (Eyelid and adnexal disorders), Dacryology (Lacrimal or Tear duct abnormalities), Ocular aesthetics, Ocular imaging,Orbital Oncology, and Ocular trauma

Dr. Vinathi has performed a spectrum of Ocular surgeries like Probing & Syringing, Dacryocystorhinostomy, Dacryocystectomy, Lacrimal trephination, Punctoplasty, various Entropion and Ectropionprodedures, Evisceration and Enucleation with ball implant, Exenteration, Secondary ball implant, Socket reconstructions, Dermis fat graft, Hydrogel implants, Ptosis surgeries, Lids incision, excision and map biopsies, Lid reconstructions, Split and Full thickness skin grafts, Cartilage grafts, Mucous Membrane grafts, Palatal grafts, Blepharoplasty and browplasty, Lipodermoid excision, Orbit biopsy, Orbitotomyand Orbital decompression, Lid, Conjunctival, Corneal and Scleral tear repairs, Canalicular tear repair with stents, Lacrimal trauma management, Intraorbital Foreign body removal and Floor fracture repairs

She has taught at the NRI Academy of Sciences and Medical College, Guntur. She was associated with NarayanaNethralaya, Bangalore as a consultant in Ocular Oncology, Oculoplasty, Orbit & Trauma Service

Dr. Vinathi is a life member of All India Ophthalmological Society, member of Oculoplastics Association of India and a member of Andhra Pradesh State Ophthalmological Society and Bangalore Ophthalmic Society. She has published in peer reviewed journals, participated and presented scientific papers at various CME programs, Seminars, Conferences and workshops at national and international level

Her areas of special interest are Paediatric Oculoplasty, Ptosis,Thyroid Eye Disease, Canalicular trauma, Eyelidand Socket reconstructions and Tear duct disorders.

Dr. Vinathi can speak in English, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada and Tamil.

Dr. Vinathi Mutyala's specialty is Opthalmology and currently works as a Specialist Ophthalmology - Occuloplasty.

She speaks English,Hindi,Kannada,Tamil,Telugu,.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Vinathi Mutyala

Dr. Vinathi Mutyala is practicing at NMC Specialty Hospital, Abu Dhabi


NMC Specialty Hospital, Abu Dhabi

Established in 1975, NMC Specialty Hospital Abu Dhabi is a multi-specialty hospital providing quality and trusted healthcare ... read more



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