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Dr. Tarek Hussein


ENT Surgeon | General Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)


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Profile for Dr. Tarek Hussein

Dr. Tarek Eissa, an Egyptian, studied at Cairo University Faculty of Medicine obtaining a Masters Degree and Doctorate Degree. Having nearly 30 years experience in ENT and Head & Neck Surgery Dr. Tarek has written two books on Rhinology, and more than 20 papers in different topics within ENT.

The most recent diagnostic and therapeutic equipment is used in Dr. Tarek 's clinic, such as Microscopic examination and treatment for ear disease, Videoscopic examination full Audiological assessment machines including Brain Stem Analysis and hearing aid facilities.

Dr. Tarek is most interested in the treatment of the following conditions: Medical and Surgical treatment of allergy and obstruction of upper respiratory tract, snoring, sleep apnea in adult and children, sinusitis, nasal Septum deflections, hearing deficiency in adult and children, voice disorders, pain of head & neck, ear drum perforations, plastic surgery of the nose, palate and ear pinna.

Dr. Tarek Hussein's specialty is General Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) and currently works as a ENT Surgeon.

He speaks Arabic,English.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Tarek Hussein

Dr. Tarek Hussein is practicing at Belhoul European Hospital, Al Satwa


Belhoul European Hospital, Al Satwa

Belhoul European Hospital was established in 1996 as the first day care hospital in the UAE. It ... read more



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