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Dr. Syeda Tanvira Habib


1 reviews

Specialist Dermatology | Dermatology


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Reviews for Dr. Syeda Tanvira Habib (1)

we visited her in Dec-2017 at NMC hospital. She is an amazing doctor indeed.

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Profile for Dr. Syeda Tanvira Habib

Dr. Syeda Tanvira Habib completed her MBBS, MD and DNB in Dermatology and Venereology from Gauhati Medical College and Hospital, Guwahati, Assam, India.

Dr Syedas work experience spans over 6 years in various facilities namely Associate Consultant Dermatology at Delhi skin and allergy Clinic (New Delhi), teaching Post graduate students at VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, (New Delhi), Consultant -Dermatology and Cosmetology at REVA Aesthetic Clinic (New Delhi) & Skinology (New Delhi),.

Her areas of expertise are Clinical dermatology, dermatosurgery, lasers, botulinum toxin injections, fillers, thread technique, PRP, mesotherapy and chemical peels.

Dr Syeda was awarded the 2013 global education award, at the XI International Congress of Dermatology and the Prof D K Gupta Medal for Best Original Paper at the Annual Conference of IADVL in 2011. In addition Dr Sayeda has won the first prize at numerous Award Paper sessions namely the National Scientific Meet on Pediatric Dermatology, Indian Association of Leprologists and also at CUTICON NE STATES , a branch of IADVL. She has presented posters in DERMACON and Eastern India Workshop on Cosmetic Dermatology. Dr. Syeda has represented Gauhati Medical College in the State Level National Dermatology, Quiz during 2009 ? 2010 and the 12th session of the National Dermatology Quiz. 2009 ? 2010, Kolkata.

Dr Syedas topic for research whilst in Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (Guwahati) study on Vitiligo: An association with endocrine disorders, audiological and ocular defects.

She is a member of the Indian association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists, Indian Association of Leprologists and associate member of International Society of Dermatology.

Dr. Syeda is proficient in speaking Hindi, English, Assamese and Bengali.

Dr. Syeda Tanvira Habib's specialty is Dermatology and currently works as a Specialist Dermatology.

She speaks English,Hindi,.


Practicing Locations of Dr. Syeda Tanvira Habib

Dr. Syeda Tanvira Habib is practicing at NMC Specialty Hospital, Abu Dhabi


NMC Specialty Hospital, Abu Dhabi

Established in 1975, NMC Specialty Hospital Abu Dhabi is a multi-specialty hospital providing quality and trusted healthcare ... read more



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